Sign up for the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Open HERE!
- Log-in/Create an account
- Register for the 2016 CrossFit Open (upper right hand corner of screen)
- Enter all information
- Choose “CROSSFIT SPEAKEASY” as your Affiliate and Team
- Done.
For the 5 weeks during the CF Open (2/25-3/28), the Friday night schedule will be:
- 4:15pm CrossFit
- 5:15pm CrossFit Lite
- 6-9 PM Friday Night Lights
If you are planning on doing the Open workouts, but are unable to attend Friday’s, your other option is to complete the workouts Sunday at Open gym. You will be responsible for getting yourself a judge.
Today’s Workout
- 15 minutes to build to a heavy single Snatch
- 15 minutes to build to a heavy single Clean and Jerk
Week 6 of the cycle! 2 more weeks left! Be sure to attend Barbell Club on Sunday’s at 9am for additional help/work.