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3.19.20- Thursday

By March 18, 2020WOD

Today’s At Home WOD 004

  • EMOM24:
    1- :45 Double Unders
    2- 10 Pistols
    3- Max Reps Burpees
    4- Rest


Score= Total Double Unders + Total Burpees

*If you did yesterday’s lunges, please sub out pistols for Push Ups (10-15 Reps)

*If you don’t have pistols, scale:
1. Pistols to an object
2. Weighted Reverse Lunges
3. 5R/5L Single leg box step downs
4. Close stance squats
5. Heel Hook


2:00 Couch Stretch/Saddle Stretch each Leg
2:00 Pigeon Stretch each leg

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