Crew neck sweatshirts are in! If you pre-ordered a sweatshirt, they are available for pick up at the gym. If you did not pre-order, do not fret- we ordered some extras!
2016 Open Prep Nutrition Challenge!
- When: January 25th- February 23rd (30 day challenge), January 25th- March 9th (45 day challenge)
- What: Paleo/Modified Paleo Options
- ONLY ONE Male/Female winner.
- Info session Saturday, January 23rd @11AM.
Today’s Workout
Tabata :20 work/:10 rest x 8 rounds – rest 1 minute between stations
- KB Snatch (53#/35#)
- Burpees
- KB Shoulder to Overhead
- Assault Bike
- KB Front Rack Lunge
- Hollow Body Rocks