CrossFit Classes:
Belmar Beatdown Floater WOD
In :90:
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
100’ Sandbag Front Rack Carry 100/75#
Max Sandbag Over Shoulder in remaining time.
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
100’ Sandbag Front Rack Carry 100/75#
Max Sandbag Over Shoulder in remaining time.
Belmar Beatdown Workout #3
‘Legs and Lungs’
With a partner you have 9 minutes to complete:
400 Double Unders
200 Wallballs (20/14#)
Max Synchro Toes to Bar in remaining time*one person working at each station. You may switch as often as you’d like. If one station is completed before the other, only one person may remain working at that station.
400 Double Unders
200 Wallballs (20/14#)
Max Synchro Toes to Bar in remaining time*one person working at each station. You may switch as often as you’d like. If one station is completed before the other, only one person may remain working at that station.
CrossFit LITE Classes:
4 Rounds
8R/8L DB Bench Press
8R/8L Bulgarian Split Squats
Max Supinated Ring Rows
:30 Hollow Hold
8R/8L DB Bench Press
8R/8L Bulgarian Split Squats
Max Supinated Ring Rows
:30 Hollow Hold
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In :90:
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
100’ Sandbag Front Rack Carry
Max Sandbag Over Shoulder in remaining time
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
100’ Sandbag Front Rack Carry
Max Sandbag Over Shoulder in remaining time