- We have a couple athletes competing at the CrossFit By The Sea 2nd Annual Showdown By The Sea! Please mark your calendars to attend the event Nov. 7th!
- HALLOWEEN PARTY AND OPTIONAL COSTUME WOD TOMORROW 10/30 7PM! No, we will not be revealing the workout! But we promise it won’t ruin your costume. The gym will be closed Saturday 10/31. We encourage everyone to attend the Barbells for Boobs event at Apache CrossFit. Sign your teams up HERE.
Today’s Workout
- Open gym for those that were unable to do their Nutrition Challenge 3k benchmark.
- For those looking to do a workout, below is an option, but it is still open gym:
- 0:00-10:00
- “Jackie”
- 1k Row
- 50 Thrusters @45#
- 30 Pull Ups
- “Jackie”
- 10:00-18:00
- 2 Rounds
- 15 Power Cleans (185/125#)
- 15 HSPU
- In remaining time, complete as many Burpee Box Jump overs (24/20″)
- 2 Rounds
- 0:00-10:00
Please use 1 barbell.
Just because it is technically Open Gym, does not mean you do not have to show up on time. There are still designated class times and the class will be put through a warm up together. Please show up ON TIME. The coach reserves the right to ask you to wait until the next class. Thank you for your understanding.