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11.17.15- Angie

By November 16, 2015WOD

Meet one of our Fall Nutrition Challenge Winners, Ryan! Ryan lost over 20lbs in his first two months of joining CFSE and is determined to keep the weight coming off while still getting strong. Ryan, we are extremely proud of your dedication to a healthy life and are so grateful you chose to make that change with CFSE. We look forward to your continued success!

Ryan Metcalfe


Favorite Meal:
“Bone in Rib eye Steak, seasoned with salt and pepper, charred out side, medium rare. Potato and grilled asparagus.”

Reason(s) you joined CrossFit Speakeasy:
“To see what it’s all about. Mostly to get healthy.”

How has CrossFit Speakeasy changed your life:
“Crossfit Speakeasy has changed my life, first and foremost by helping me lose over 20 lbs in just the first two months.
My strength, stamina and agility are increasing. I’m doing things now that I’ve honestly never done before.”

What is your biggest goal for 2016?:

“Smash all of my current PR’s including hitting a 500 lb Backsquat. Hopefully start training for Strongman Competitions.”

2 Random facts about yourself:
“I hate bananas.

I love to travel, if traveling were free, you would never see me again.”

Do you ever notice the patches of hair Dimitri misses when he shaves his head?:
“No, No of course not!!”

Which pair of pants will Rob be wearing today?:
“I’m thinking maybe…grey sweats.”


  • Please Save the Date for Sunday, Dec. 20th for our CFSE Holiday Brunch! 11am at the gym. Food will be provided, as well as some adult beverages. However, like every party- you are more than welcome to bring a dish or drink of choice! Looking forward to spending the Holidays with you and your families! 

Today’s Workout


  • 3 Rounds NOT For time:
    • 10 Strict T2B
    • 10 Shoulder Touches
    • 10 Banded Pull Aparts
    • 10 Supermen


  • “Angie”- For Time:
    • 100 Pullups
    • 100 Pushups
    • 100 Situps
    • 100 Squats

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