Get to know CFSE Athlete, and one of our female Nutrition Challenge winners, Tina Barbera! Tina has been involved at CFSE for quite some time now, but over the last couple months she has made HUGE improvements and strides in her training. Tina has also been consistently coming to our Next Level class, and working on her weaknesses. Those weaknesses are quickly becoming strengths, and we look forward to you taking on more local competitions!
Name: Kristine Barbera
Age: 27
Favorite Meal: sushi
Reason(s) you joined CrossFit Speakeasy: I wanted to see how far I could push my body. I wanted to work on my endurance.
How has CrossFit Speakeasy changed your life: I have met some awesome people and athletes that encourage me everyday to work harder. I’ve become stronger and more confident.
What is your biggest goal for 2016?: I have many goals in and out of the gym. My gym goal is to be able to do a muscle up.
2 Random facts about yourself: I love old American muscle cars. I just recently managed to squeeze a 27” wide couch in a 25” wide doorway by removing the whole door frame all by myself.
Do you ever notice the patches of hair Dimitri misses when he shaves his head?: Funny you ask. Just recently actually. Like two weeks ago.
Which pair of pants will Rob be wearing today?: If it was last winter, I would say dark cargo pants, but he seems to have retired them… so I’m going to go with gray.
- Please Save the Date for Sunday, Dec. 20th for our CFSE Holiday Brunch! 11am at the gym. Food will be provided, as well as some adult beverages. However, like every party- you are more than welcome to bring a dish or drink of choice! Looking forward to spending the Holidays with you and your families!
Today’s Workout
- EMOM10
- 2 Jerks
- 5x500m Row
Rest 2 min between efforts