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11.19.20- Kettlebells

By November 18, 2015WOD
Mr. Shrimp!

Mr. Shrimp!

Congratulations to CFSE Athlete, Vin Petruzziello, on also winning the Fall Nutrition Challenge. As many of you know, Vin is an extremely hard worker and has many goals for himself in 2016. We are extremely excited for the direction you are heading, and know we will always be in your corner! Vin took this nutrition challenge by storm and had significant performance improvement. After speaking with him, he plans to continue the diet and is getting ready for the 2016 Open in the Masters 40-44 age group. Good luck, Vin!

Name: Vincent Petruzziello

Age: 43

Favorite Meal: Burgers and Fries

Reason(s) you joined CrossFit Speakeasy: Was looking for a new Gym and heard Rob had just opening CFSE. Having trained with Rob in the past the timing was perfect.

How has CrossFit Speakeasy changed your life: Before CFSE I just was just another guy working out at a CrossFit gym. Once I came to CFSE I stopped just working out and I began training. Through the teaching of the coaches and support of the members, I began to make major strides in strength, technique and cardio that I didn’t think were possible. Because of that support and coaching, I feel like I have only started to tap my potential and everyday look forward to a new challenge with the hopes of hitting new goals and achievements.

What is your biggest goal for 2016?: To place in the top 100 this year in the CrossFit Opens North East Region 40-44 year old Masters division

2 Random facts about yourself:

1. I’m probably not as cool as I think I am
2. Even though I have always worked in, and now own a restaurant, I have never had any official culinary or hospitality education.

Do you ever notice the patches of hair Dimitri misses when he shaves his head?: No….But thanks cause that’s all I will focus on every time I see him from now on

Which pair of pants will Rob be wearing today?: Not sure but the bigger question is what’s up with the Pants bro?

  • Please Save the Date for Sunday, Dec. 20th for our CFSE Holiday Brunch! 11am at the gym. Food will be provided, as well as some adult beverages. However, like every party- you are more than welcome to bring a dish or drink of choice! Looking forward to spending the Holidays with you and your families!
  • Please come out to Power Pack CrossFit THIS Saturday to support two CFSE Teams at the Battle By The Bay competition. Rob and Jon Hoyt will be taking on the Men’s RX Division, while Ivy and Amelia will be taking on the Women’s RX Division. Good luck guys!


Today’s Workout

Kettlebell Conditioning

  • AMRAP20
    • 1/1 Turkish Get-up (53/35#)
    • 3/3 Snatch
    • 5/5 Clean and Jerk
    • 7 Burpees 


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