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11.20.15- OHS and Rounds after rounds

By November 19, 2015WOD


Congratulations to CFSE athlete and Mom of the year, Courtney Decker, on being one of our female Fall Nutrition challenge winners! Courtney HATES to miss a day of CrossFit (or CrossFit Lite), and it showed during this nutrition challenge. Courtney was almost PERFECT with the point system, and it really showed in her performance. Congratulations on a job well done Courtney, we know you’re already counting down the days until the next challenge!! 

Name: Courtney Decker

Age: 33

Favorite Meal: anything seafood

Reason(s) you joined CrossFit Speakeasy:
I joined crossfit speakeasy because I knew it was the best way to get back in shape after babies, they had great coaches that I felt motivated by and that the program worked.

How has CrossFit Speakeasy changed your life:
Crossfit speakeasy changed my life by constantly motivating me to want to do better and be better. They have also blessed my husband and I with child care, therefore we are able to get our workouts in with our kids and sometimes work out together! (Which is amazing!)

What is your biggest goal for 2016?:
Stay in shape, get stronger, and run faster

2 Random facts about yourself:
I have two awesome daughters and I love chocolate, love it

Do you ever notice the patches of hair Dimitri misses when he shaves his head?:
No, but I noticed he never keeps his shirt on

Which pair of pants will Rob be wearing today?:
Black pants? I have no idea but I know he probably won’t have socks or shoes on


Today’s Workout


  • Overhead Squats 5×3 (Build)


  • 7 Rounds For Time
    • 3 Muscle Ups (SX= 6 Pull ups/6 Dips every round)
    • 6 Deadlifts (275/185#)
    • 12 Wallballs (20/14#)

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