Please note our Holiday Schedule for New Years.
New Years Eve- 5:15PM will be CROSSFIT LITE. 7 and 8PM Classes Cancelled (morning classes remain the same)
New Years Day- Open Gym 12-2PM
Resume Regular Schedule Saturday 1/2/16
NEXT LEVEL CLASS will be cancelled 12/30, 1/4, 1/6, 1/13, 1/15, and 1/18.
Super SteelFit Championships Registration is LIVE. We have had several athletes participate in this event over the last couple years. There are several doing it again this year. If you have any interest, and are wanting to get some Open style workouts in in preparation for the 2016 Open, I highly recommended doing the SteelFit online qualifiers! Register HERE.
Today’s Workout
- EMOM10 – Back Rack Lunges, 2R/2L (Build)
- AMRAP10:
- 10 Deadlifts (225/155#)
- 20 Sit ups
- 30 Double Unders
After Party
- L-Sit – :30 work, :30 rest x 3 Rounds