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3.20.20- At Home 005

By March 19, 2020WOD

Today’s At Home WOD


  • 4x
    8R/8L Single Arm Press w/ :3 Negative
    10R/10L Single Arm Row w/:3 Negative
    15 Hollow Bock Rocks


  • Every 4:00 x5
    • 250m Row/Ski or 500m Bike
      8R/8L Single Arm DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerk
      10 V ups

If you don’t have a Row/Ski or Bike. You may Run 200m or perform 15 Burpees

Use a weight you can go unbroken on the C&J. If you don’t have a DB or KB, get creative! Post your creativity!

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