REMINDER that our 4th Annual Belmar Beatdown will be held TOMORROW at Dempsey Park. We will have one class tomorrow morning at 8:30am. All other classes will be cancelled. Please come out and support our community, and all of the athletes participating
Today’s CrossFit Workout
- For Time
- 500m Run
42 Wall Balls (20/14#)
21 Pullups
500m Run
30 Wall Balls
15 Chest To Bar Pullups
500m Run
18 Wall Balls
9 Bar Muscle Ups
500m Run
- 500m Run
Today’s SWEAT Workout
- For Time
- 500m Run
42 KB Swings
21 Burpees
500m Run
30 KB Swings
15 Burpees
500m Run
18 KB Swings
9 Burpees
500m Run
- 500m Run