Hanging with our friend, Christina, from CrossFit 908 at the Reebok Affiliate party. Thanks 908 for the tickets!
Endurance Class- 8am
3min as many Cals as possible on Rower
-rest 2min-
2min as many Cals as possible on Rower
-rest 2min-
1min as many Cals as possible on Rower
-rest 3min-
3 Rounds total
Today’s Workout
- In teams of 2 for time, complete the following:
- 3k Row- WITH Death by Burpees
*Every minute on the minute, Partner who is rowing must come off the rower and complete a burpee. Ex: Min 1= 1 burpee, Min 2= 2 burpees, Min 3= 3 burpees. One partner will be doing all of the ODD burpees and one partner will be doing all of the EVEN burpees. Partner MAY NOT start rowing until partner is finished their burpees.