Tomorrow is the Third Annual CrossFit for a Cause hosted by CrossFit Speakeasy at Bar A. The gym will be CLOSED. CrossFit kids is still on at 8am. Online registration is closed and we will NOT be accepting any more teams to participate. Please show up between 11-11:30am to check-in and get your Heat and Lane assignments. Payment is due ($30/PP) at check-in (cash only!). See you all tomorrow!
Endurance Class 8am
- Main Set:
- 4-6x1200m Run
- Rest 3 min between effort
*During each rest period, do 1x max effort breath hold.
- Cooldown:
- 400m walk/jog + 200m dynamic
Today’s Workout, 9am and 10am
- AMRAP10:
- 200m Run
- 1 Rope Climb
-Rest 3min-
- AMRAP10:
- 400m Run
- 10 Deadlifts (225/155)