- 5:15AM will be EVERY morning effective THIS week.
- We will be starting another SQUAT strength cycle NEXT week, so be sure you know your numbers. We will be squatting every Friday and Monday. This upcoming Monday, we will be finding our 5RM backsquat. If you know you will not be here, try to find time during our Open Gym slots to get it in.
Today’s Workout
Mobility: Accumulate 3min in the bottom of your squat + 3min hanging from the bar (hands shoulder width apart).
*If you came every day this week so far, please come today and use it as an “Active Recovery” day. Lately, every time we have posted a run based workout, attendance has been very light. Do not neglect these workouts. We cannot ask you to go 100% every single day, but we can ask you to workout TO SOME CAPACITY every day- but BE SMART about it. Do what your body needs. If it really needs a rest day, then rest.
- For Time, work:rest= 1:1
- 2 full rounds
- 300m Run
- 600m Run
- 900m Run
- 2 full rounds
*Run 300m, rest as long as you worked. Run 600m, rest as long as you worked. Run 900m, rest as long as you worked. Then repeat.
- 5×3 Sotts Press from Back rack
- 5×3 Sotts Press from Front rack