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8.28.15- Frantastic Friday

By August 27, 2015WOD
Come hang with the crew tomorrow at the track!

Come hang with the crew tomorrow at the track!

  • Our good friends over at The Helm CrossFit are hosting a competition Sept. 26th. This competition is designed for people who have not done a CrossFit competition before, and are wanting to know what it is like. What is also unique about this competition is that they are showcasing a “kids/teens” division. Be sure to check out their Facebook page for more information or contact me at the gym if you have any additional questions.
  • TOMORROW Aug. 29th at Monmouth Racetrack. Please comment on the Facebook post on your preference of clubhouse or picnic area!
  • On Saturday, Sept. 5th we will be hosting a “Bring Your Friends For Free” day during our 10AM class. Immediately following the class, we will be revealing all of the information for our upcoming Nutrition Challenge. This challenge IS open to the public. So if you’re friends are interested in joining in on the fun, bring them to class and have them stick around for the Nutrition seminar. We are teaming up with Nutrishop in Wall to bring you guys our best challenge yet. You don’t want to miss out!


Today’s Workout


  • 1×5 Back Squat

*This should be heavier than Monday 8/24. 

*Do not stress on hitting your current 5RM.

*One attempt at 1 set of 5. Do sets of doubles and triples to warm up until you get to the weight you want to hit.



  • “Fran”
    • 21-15-9 reps for time of:
      • Thrusters (95/65#)
      • Pull ups

*This is your traditional CrossFit “girl” workout. Go all out. 



  • 200m walk/jog
  • Accumulate 2 minutes in the bottom of your squat
  • Lay on your back with your legs up the wall for 2 minutes to allow the lactic acid to rush out of your legs

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