- We have a couple athletes competing at the CrossFit By The Sea 2nd Annual Showdown By The Sea! Please mark your calendars to attend the event Nov. 7th!
What better way to celebrate the end of a brutal 45 day nutrition challenge AND the end to yet another incredible summer at the Jersey Shore. Halloween party tonight at 7PM with an optional costume workout at 8PM. Please bring food and beverage of your choice. We will not be revealing the workout, but we promise it won’t ruin your costume. The gym will be closed Saturday 10/31 for clean up and BARBELLS FOR BOOBS. We encourage everyone to attend the event at Apache CrossFit. If you don’t have your teams signed up yet, sign up HERE. See you all tonight!
Today’s Workout
Flex Friiiiiday!
- EMOM10:
- Odd- 2 Deadlifts
- Even- Max Ring Dips
4 Rounds NOT For Time:
- 6 DB Bench Press
- 6 DB Pull Overs
- 6 Single Arm DB Press
Pump Out:
- 3 sets of 21’s