Congratulations to CFSE athlete and Mom of the year, Courtney Decker, on being one of our female Fall Nutrition challenge winners! Courtney HATES to miss a day of CrossFit (or CrossFit Lite), and it showed during this nutrition challenge. Courtney was almost PERFECT with the point system, and it really showed in her performance. Congratulations on a job well done Courtney, we know you’re already counting down the days until the next challenge!!
Name: Courtney Decker
Age: 33
Favorite Meal: anything seafood
Reason(s) you joined CrossFit Speakeasy:
I joined crossfit speakeasy because I knew it was the best way to get back in shape after babies, they had great coaches that I felt motivated by and that the program worked.
How has CrossFit Speakeasy changed your life:
Crossfit speakeasy changed my life by constantly motivating me to want to do better and be better. They have also blessed my husband and I with child care, therefore we are able to get our workouts in with our kids and sometimes work out together! (Which is amazing!)
What is your biggest goal for 2016?:
Stay in shape, get stronger, and run faster
2 Random facts about yourself:
I have two awesome daughters and I love chocolate, love it
Do you ever notice the patches of hair Dimitri misses when he shaves his head?:
No, but I noticed he never keeps his shirt on
Which pair of pants will Rob be wearing today?:
Black pants? I have no idea but I know he probably won’t have socks or shoes on
Today’s Workout
- Overhead Squats 5×3 (Build)
- 7 Rounds For Time
- 3 Muscle Ups (SX= 6 Pull ups/6 Dips every round)
- 6 Deadlifts (275/185#)
- 12 Wallballs (20/14#)