Annie Sammie (Time)
5 Rounds of ‘Strict Cindy’
5 Rounds of ‘Strict Cindy’
5 Rounds of ‘Strict Cindy’
‘Strict Cindy’
5 Strict Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
5 Strict Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
Double Unders
AbMat Situps
After Party
3 Rounds:
10sec Dual KB Hollow Hold
10sec Dual KB Hollow Flutter Kicks
10sec Dual KB Hollow Rocks
10sec Dual KB Hollow Hold
10sec Dual KB Hollow Flutter Kicks
10sec Dual KB Hollow Rocks
Focus on quality. Ditch the weight if quality is comprosmised. Rest as needed between rounds.