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10.31.15- Happy Halloween!

By October 31, 2015Announcements, WOD

The gym is closed today 10/31.

Thank you to all who attended our Halloween Party last evening!

Special thanks to Mr. Shrimp for catering the party with the unreal display of food. Crabcakes were definitely a hit!

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who contributed for the Eleiko barbell. That is one of the coolest presents I have ever received in my life. I know it’s just a “barbell”, but it means much more than that. Lifting a barbell changed my life, and it continues to do so every single day. Being able to coach and teach you guys the importance of lifting and the beauty behind each lift is the most rewarding gift of all. Just like most things in life (specifically personal relationships), lifts are difficult, technical, they require patience, consistency, dedication…but when you get it right, you feel it.

Thank you to Ashley for organizing the entire barbell fund and card. You are one of the most selfless people I know. Thank you and I love you. 

Here’s to lots of PRs and Miami in January!

Thank you all again. 




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