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4.3.16- Sunday Update

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  • CFSE Night out is THIS Saturday, April 9th. Location is TBD, but we will announce it early this week. We hope you all can make it! We look forward to celebrating the 5 weeks of the Open and all of your hard work. 
  • Next Level Class is now Wednesday/Friday’s at 7AM and Saturday’s at 11AM. This class is designed for those wanting to compete in the Sport of CrossFit. In addition to the Next Level class, some additional “competitive” programming will be added to the daily programming. This is optional, but definitely recommended for those wanting to compete. Remember, class has priority over equipment and space. These additional pieces should take no longer than 25 minutes. Hope you enjoy. 

The Week Ahead:

Monday– Heavy Hang Clean + Triplet 

Tuesday– Max Effort Run + SPRINT

Wednesday– Gymnastics EMOM + Chipper

Thursday– Conditioning

Friday– Rope Climbs + BW Burner

Saturday– Partners + CFSE NIGHT OUT! 

Sunday– Endurance, Barbell Club, Open Gym

2.21.16- Sunday Update + The Week Ahead

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Nutrition Challengers– Benchmark workouts will be TUESDAY of this week. Please be sure to get these completed by the end of the week as well as your after photos. Congratulations on a job well done. We are extremely excited to see/hear about your successes. Winners will be announced Friday at our first FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS for 16.1 of the CF Open.

Our schedule for the 5 weeks of the Open will be as followed on Friday Nights:

  • 4:15pm CrossFit
  • 5:15pm CrossFit Lite
  • 6-9 PM Friday Night Lights 

If you are planning on doing the Open workouts, but are unable to attend Friday’s, your other options are to complete the workouts Sunday at Open gym or during our 5:15PM CrossFit Lite class on Monday. You will be responsible for getting yourself a judge. 

**Schedule changes effective Monday 2/22**

  • CrossFit LITE will be 5x/week starting Monday 2/22 at 5:15pm. DAYCARE services will only be provided M/W/F. Please do not bring your children when daycare services are not available. Thank you for your understanding. 
  • Endurance Class will be moved to Sunday’s at 8AM. Focus will be Active Recovery, Endurance and Mobility. 
  • NEXT LEVEL class will be CANCELLED Monday’s and Friday’s during the 5 weeks of the Open. There will still be a 7AM Wednesday Next Level class. Normal schedule will resume at the conclusion of the CF Open. 
  • CrossFit Teens will be cancelled on Tuesdays until further notice starting 3/1/16.

*Please always check/confirm in Wodify if you are unsure of the new schedule

The week ahead:

Monday- Deads and AMRAPS

Tuesday- Nutrition Challenge Benchmarks!

Wednesday- Cleans and Open Workout

Thursday- Mobility and EMOM

Friday- 16.1???

Saturday- TBD after 16.1

Sunday- Endurance, Barbell Club and OG


2.14.16- Sunday Update + Week Ahead

By Announcements, WODNo Comments

We are just over ONE WEEK away from the start of the 2016 CrossFit Open. Sign up HERE!

  • Log-in/Create an account
  • Register for the 2016 CrossFit Open (upper right hand corner of screen)
  • Enter all information
  • Choose “CROSSFIT SPEAKEASY” as your Affiliate and Team
  • Done.


For the 5 weeks during the CF Open (2/25-3/28), the Friday night schedule will be:

  • 4:15pm CrossFit
  • 5:15pm CrossFit Lite
  • 6-9 PM Friday Night Lights 

If you are planning on doing the Open workouts, but are unable to attend Friday’s, your other options are to complete the workouts Sunday at Open gym or during our 5:15PM CrossFit Lite class on Monday. You will be responsible for getting yourself a judge. 

**Schedule changes effective Monday 2/22**

  • CrossFit LITE will be 5x/week starting Monday 2/22 at 5:15pm. DAYCARE services will only be provided M/W/F. Please do not bring your children when daycare services are not available. Thank you for your understanding. 
  • Endurance Class will be moved to Sunday’s at 8AM. Focus will be Active Recovery, Endurance and Mobility. 
  • NEXT LEVEL class will be CANCELLED Monday’s and Friday’s during the 5 weeks of the Open. There will still be a 7AM Wednesday Next Level class. Normal schedule will resume at the conclusion of the CF Open. 
  • CrossFit Teens will be cancelled on Tuesdays until further notice starting 3/1/16.

*Please always check/confirm in Wodify if you are unsure of the new schedule

The Week Ahead

Monday- Pull-ups + Chipper

Tuesday- Power Clean EMOM + Open Workout 

Wednesday- Double(s) or Nothing

Thursday- Row

Friday- Week 7 Oly Lifting! 

Saturday- Endurance + Partner Party

Sunday- Barbell Club + Open Gym

Sunday Update- 2.7.16

By Announcements, WODNo Comments
Female CFSE Athlete Tank

Female CFSE Athlete Tank

Men's CFSE Athlete Shirt

Men’s CFSE Athlete Shirt

  • Pre-Order for the first tee-shirt in our 2016 line is up and running! CFSE “ATHLETE” Shirts! Place your order on the whiteboard at the gym OR email with size and quantity! Just in time for the 2016 CrossFit Open! 
  • Super Bowl party TONIGHT at 6PM. Please bring a paleo friendly dish/treat to share. NON-Paleo dishes are also welcome! 

Congratulations to all of our athletes that participated in our first In-House competition yesterday. It is safe to say that it was an unbelievable time with tons of PR’s, jokes, laughs- an all around GREAT time. For those that stopped by to help judge, or just to cheer on your fellow athletes, thank you. Thank you to those who came early to help set up. Thank you to Ashley and Ernie for setting up the awesome scoring system and keeping everyone up to date on their placement. Thank you to Sinko for helping Ashley print/create the scorecards. Thank you to everyone who helped out with workout transitions and cleaning up after every workout. Thank you to all of our members for holding each other to such a high standard. This community has grown so organically, and it is because of each and every one of you. For those that were unable to attend, have no fear! We will definitely be doing more of these throughout the year. Rob and I cannot thank you guys enough for your dedication, loyalty, and passion you have for Speakeasy. Lets continue the energy from yesterday in to tonight at the Super Bowl party and bring it all the way in to next week! Congratulations once again to everyone and a special shoutout to our people on the podium: Ivy, Amelia, and Sarit. Hoyt, Mat, and Dimitri. Awesome job guys! 

The Week Ahead- We are halfway through the nutrition challenge! Stay with it!

Monday- Overhead Complex + Intervals

Tuesday- Power Clean EMOM + Open Workout

Wednesday- Open Style Chipper 

Thursday- Meathead Stuff

Friday- Week 5 of Oly cycle 

Saturday- Endurance + Testing 

Sunday- Barbell Club + Open Gym

Sunday Update + Announcements

By Announcements, WODNo Comments


  1. Today is the LAST DAY to sign up and register for our 2016 Open Prep Nutrition Challenge! 30 days of clean eating, lots of hydration, tons of working out, and plenty of sleep! Email: today to get involved!
  2. Our first annual IN-HOUSE Comp will be Saturday, February 6th. Sign up on the whiteboard at the gym! Workouts are guaranteed to challenge you, test you, push you, AND get you ready for the 2016 CrossFit Open. 
  3. On Superbowl Sunday, please join us for a Paleo Potluck style Super Bowl party at 6PM! Please bring a favorite dish/treat/drink to share. 
  4. The CrossFit Open begins February 25th and will run until March 28th. If you are unfamiliar with the CrossFit Open, this is the first stage of the CrossFit Games season. For 5 weeks, CrossFit HQ will test your capacity through 5+ grueling workouts. This is an awesome opportunity to gather our community and push each other to our limits- for some of us, we may find what those limits actually are, and for others, you may surpass all expectations and surprise yourself every week. It is an opportunity to see how far you have come in a year and to see what you may need to work on in the coming year. We will be running these workouts every Friday Night from 6:30PM-9PM aka FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. After 5 weeks of representing your gym, region, age group, etc., only the top 20 male/female athletes from each region will advance to the Regional events. These events are 3 days of grueling workouts for a chance to move on to California for the CrossFit Games. At the Regionals, only the top 5 male/females will advance to the CrossFit Games. To learn more about the CrossFit Open/Regionals/Games, visit: for more information! Also use this link to register for the 2016 CrossFit Open. Choose CrossFit Speakeasy as your Affiliate and Team and lets have an awesome 2016 Season!

The Week Ahead:

Monday- Heavy Thruster + Heavy Breathing

Tuesday- Gymnastics, Gymnastics, Gymnastics

Wednesday- Back squats + EMOM

Thursday- Supersets and DT

Friday- Snatch/Clean and Jerk

Saturday- Endurance 8am, 9am WOD, 10:30 IN HOUSE COMP! 

Sunday- Barbell + Open Gym + Superbowl Party 6PM

1.1.16- Happy New Year!

By Announcements, WODNo Comments

From all of us here at CFSE, we want to wish you and your families a safe and Happy New Year. 

This is a time to reflect on the past year and begin to make goals for the upcoming one. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Write down your goals. Create a plan and execute. Maybe you want to lose more weight, or work on your olympic lifts. Be as specific with your goals as possible. Don’t just say “I want a better clean and jerk”. Put a number to it. Put a plan to it. Put a timeline to it. Always make short term and long term goals. Not only in the gym, but outside the gym as well. If you don’t reach them in your timeline- reevaluate, DO NOT GIVE UP. If you need help with writing some of your gym goals, feel free to contact Rob or I for assistance. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Reward does not come before hard work. Hard work= Results. Be relentless with who you want to be. 

We are here as resources to guide you and challenge you. Whatever you need, we are here to help. Happy New Year and may this one bring you everything you hoped for, worked for, and dreamed of. We challenge you to do something this year you could not do in 2015. Think on it, make it happen. 

Today there is Open Gym from 12-2PM.

NEXT LEVEL CLASS will be cancelled 1/4, 1/6, 1/13, 1/15, and 1/18.

Super SteelFit Championships Registration is LIVE. We have had several athletes participate in this event over the last couple years. There are several doing it again this year. If you have any interest, and are wanting to get some Open style workouts in in preparation for the 2016 Open, I highly recommended doing the SteelFit online qualifiers! Register HERE.

12.25.15- Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at CFSE. This is the time of year to reflect on the last 365 days and realize where you were and where you are now. Did you achieve the things you wanted to? Did you check your 2015 goals off? If not, why? With 2016 just around the corner, take some time to make some new goals. Reflect on ones you may not have reached and find a way to make them achievable. It may not have anything to do with the gym, but maybe it is something we can still help you with. 

This is also a time for you guys to tell us what you would like MORE of. Maybe there is some equipment you would like us to look in to getting, or perhaps there aren’t enough 35# Dumbbells during workouts? Whatever it may be, take some time to think about what it is you want from us, but let’s not get too out of hand. 

If you’d like to schedule a time to meet with a coach about your goals, feel free to shoot us any email at any time. We want 2016 to be an epic year for all of us- and it starts with you! 


So from all of us at Speakeasy, we wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday! Cheers!

12.20.15- CFSE Ugly Sweater Brunch + Week Ahead

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Please join us for our first annual CFSE Ugly Sweater Brunch from 11AM-2PM! Food will be provided, as well as mimosas and Toni’s Famous EggNog, but please feel free to bring any other beverage or treat! Wear your ugliest sweater and bring your best looking friends/family members. We are looking forward to spending the afternoon with you and your families!

The gym is CLOSED today for the Brunch and we will resume to a normal schedule Monday, 12/21. 

The Week Ahead

Monday- Max Effort Front Squat + Gymnastics Chipper

Tuesday- “Z” Press + Intervals

Wednesday- Speed Ladders + Barbell Cycling 

Thursday- 8 and 9AM Classes ONLY. 12 Days of Christmas Workout. 

Friday- Merry Christmas! Closed. 

Saturday- Endurance + Partner Workout

Sunday- Barbell Club + Open Gym

10.31.15- Happy Halloween!

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The gym is closed today 10/31.

Thank you to all who attended our Halloween Party last evening!

Special thanks to Mr. Shrimp for catering the party with the unreal display of food. Crabcakes were definitely a hit!

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who contributed for the Eleiko barbell. That is one of the coolest presents I have ever received in my life. I know it’s just a “barbell”, but it means much more than that. Lifting a barbell changed my life, and it continues to do so every single day. Being able to coach and teach you guys the importance of lifting and the beauty behind each lift is the most rewarding gift of all. Just like most things in life (specifically personal relationships), lifts are difficult, technical, they require patience, consistency, dedication…but when you get it right, you feel it.

Thank you to Ashley for organizing the entire barbell fund and card. You are one of the most selfless people I know. Thank you and I love you. 

Here’s to lots of PRs and Miami in January!

Thank you all again. 




9.20.15- Sunday Update + N.C Day 7!

By Announcements, WODNo Comments

Congratulations for completing the first week of the 45 day nutrition challenge. For those of you that had a perfect week (28 pts.), keep it up this week. If you slacked in something this week, try to make up for it this week! To give you a little something to look forward to, our InBody midway check-ins will be the week of 10/9. Make sure you are working towards that date! 


– We have a couple athletes competing at the First Annual Motives Fest at The Helm CrossFit, Saturday, Sept. 26th. If there is anyone interested in volunteering their services to help judge the event, please email me:

– Our good friends at CrossFit 908 are hosting the Garden State Open Saturday, October 10th. They are in need of judges. If you are interested in judging, please email: and let her know you are from CrossFit Speakeasy.

I will be MC’ing both of these events, and would love to see some Speakeasy support…I get shy. Thank you in advance.


This past weeks programming was brought to you by Mat. So, for those that may be sore- blame him. Great week, Coach!

This weeks programming is brought to you by Dimitri. Here’s what you all have to look forward to:

Monday- Squats 

Tuesday- Gymnastics and Chipper 

Wednesday- The “other” Total

Thursday- Long AMRAP

Friday- Squats + Snatch Complex 

Saturday- Endurance + Teams