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11.26.21- Friday

By November 26, 2021WOD

Please note our Holiday Schedule for today.

8am, 9:30am Class

12-1pm Open Gym

3:30-4:30pm Open Gym

4:30, 5:30pm Class


Today’s Workout 


  • Front Squat (3 Rep Max)
    • DROP SETS:
      • 95% x 3
        90% x 3+
*Try to go slightly heavier than 2 weeks ago
  • 6 Rounds, waterfall style with a partner:
    • 250m/200m Row Sprint
    • 6-5-4-3-2-1 Low Hang Squat Cleans AHAP (Building if able)
As soon as partner 1 finishes their row, partner 2 may begin
Low Hang = Below the knee

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