Join us tonight at MJ’s in Neptune for a CFSE night out at 8pm. UFC 218 will be airing at MJ’s and we encourage all members to come hang out! Should be a fun night! We look forward to seeing you there.
Today’s Workout
With a partner complete:
- 0:00-9:00 “DBDT”
- 4 Rounds EACH, alternating with a partner:
12 DB Deadlifts (RX: 50/35#)
9 DB Hang Power Cleans
6 DB Shoulder to OH
- 4 Rounds EACH, alternating with a partner:
*Partner who is not working must be holding on to their dumbbells while their partner is working. If you drop your dumbbells, your partner must stop working.
- 9:00-12:00 REST
- 12:00-20:00
- Complete:
400 Double Unders
200 Wallballs (20/14#)
In remaining time, max synchro burpees
- Complete: