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Sunday Update- 2.7.16

By February 7, 2016July 12th, 2017Announcements, WOD
Female CFSE Athlete Tank

Female CFSE Athlete Tank

Men's CFSE Athlete Shirt

Men’s CFSE Athlete Shirt

  • Pre-Order for the first tee-shirt in our 2016 line is up and running! CFSE “ATHLETE” Shirts! Place your order on the whiteboard at the gym OR email with size and quantity! Just in time for the 2016 CrossFit Open! 
  • Super Bowl party TONIGHT at 6PM. Please bring a paleo friendly dish/treat to share. NON-Paleo dishes are also welcome! 

Congratulations to all of our athletes that participated in our first In-House competition yesterday. It is safe to say that it was an unbelievable time with tons of PR’s, jokes, laughs- an all around GREAT time. For those that stopped by to help judge, or just to cheer on your fellow athletes, thank you. Thank you to those who came early to help set up. Thank you to Ashley and Ernie for setting up the awesome scoring system and keeping everyone up to date on their placement. Thank you to Sinko for helping Ashley print/create the scorecards. Thank you to everyone who helped out with workout transitions and cleaning up after every workout. Thank you to all of our members for holding each other to such a high standard. This community has grown so organically, and it is because of each and every one of you. For those that were unable to attend, have no fear! We will definitely be doing more of these throughout the year. Rob and I cannot thank you guys enough for your dedication, loyalty, and passion you have for Speakeasy. Lets continue the energy from yesterday in to tonight at the Super Bowl party and bring it all the way in to next week! Congratulations once again to everyone and a special shoutout to our people on the podium: Ivy, Amelia, and Sarit. Hoyt, Mat, and Dimitri. Awesome job guys! 

The Week Ahead- We are halfway through the nutrition challenge! Stay with it!

Monday- Overhead Complex + Intervals

Tuesday- Power Clean EMOM + Open Workout

Wednesday- Open Style Chipper 

Thursday- Meathead Stuff

Friday- Week 5 of Oly cycle 

Saturday- Endurance + Testing 

Sunday- Barbell Club + Open Gym

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