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Emmy Simpkins

10.12.15- Deload Week!

By WODNo Comments

Weekly (Monday-Friday) 7AM class will begin the week of 10/19. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7AM will be a “Next Level” Class. This class is open to anyone with an unlimited membership and is designed for those serious about competing in CrossFit. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WANT TO COMPETE TO DO THIS CLASS. This class will follow MY training program and will be separate of the Speakeasy Workout of the day. This class will not necessarily be “coached”. We would all be working out together, doing the same programming, just based on your own numbers/abilities/etc. This class will run anywhere between 1hr to 1hr and 30min.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 7AM class will be the regular Speakeasy Workout of the Day, led by a coach.

The 2nd Annual Showdown By The Sea hosted by CrossFit By the Sea will be Saturday, Nov. 7th. This will be an awesome event that we highly encourage all to participate in! Click HERE for more info.

Today’s Workout


  • 5×5 Back Squat @90% of Friday 10/9.
    • This is the last 5×5 we will be doing. We will be testing our back squats NEXT week.


  • For Time
    • 300 Double Unders
    • 200m Walking Lunge
    • 100 Burpees

10.9.15- Showdown By the Sea!

By WODNo Comments

For those of you doing the nutrition challenge, we are approaching the halfway point! Your midpoint InBody check-ins start TODAY and will go until NEXT Friday 10/16. You may go to the Nutrishop in Wall to get your InBody update.

Weekly (Monday-Friday) 7AM class will begin the week of 10/19. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7AM will be a “Next Level” Class. This class is open to anyone with an unlimited membership and is designed for those serious about competing in CrossFit. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WANT TO COMPETE TO DO THIS CLASS. This class will follow MY training program and will be separate of the Speakeasy Workout of the day. This class will not necessarily be “coached”. We would all be working out together, doing the same programming, just based on your own numbers/abilities/etc. This class will run anywhere between 1hr to 1hr and 30min.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 7AM class will be the regular Speakeasy Workout of the Day, led by a coach.

The 2nd Annual Showdown By The Sea hosted by CrossFit By the Sea will be Saturday, Nov. 7th. This will be an awesome event that we highly encourage all to participate in! Click HERE for more info.


Today’s Workout


  • 1×5 Back Squat 5lbs heavier than last Friday


  • 4 Rounds for time:
    • 10 DB Burpee box step overs (24/20″) (50/30#)
    • 20 Box Jumps (24/20″)


10.8.15- Open Gym

By WODNo Comments

For those of you doing the nutrition challenge, we are approaching the halfway point! Your midpoint InBody check-ins will be held THIS Friday 10/9 until NEXT Friday 10/16. You may go to the Nutrishop in Wall to get your InBody update.

Weekly (Monday-Friday) 7AM class will begin the week of 10/19. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7AM will be a “Next Level” Class. This class is open to anyone with an unlimited membership and is designed for those serious about competing in CrossFit. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WANT TO COMPETE TO DO THIS CLASS. This class will follow MY training program and will be separate of the Speakeasy Workout of the day. This class will not necessarily be “coached”. We would all be working out together, doing the same programming, just based on your own numbers/abilities/etc. This class will run anywhere between 1hr to 1hr and 30min. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 7AM class will be the regular Speakeasy Workout of the Day, led by a coach. 


Today’s Workout

Open Gym.

  • Make up a missed workout, work on a skill, strength or do some mobility! All classes today will begin with a warm up, and then the remainder of class is designated to what YOU need to get done. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask a coach for a workout or something to work on! Classes will run on a schedule, so please sign in to class and show up on time. Thank you.

10.7.15- Happy Birthday Ashley

By WODNo Comments
Happiest of birthdays to this goon!

Happiest of birthdays to this goon!

Happy Birthday to the girl that introduced me to all of you. Ashley was one of the main reasons why I decided to move my life down here and begin this journey with you all at CrossFit Speakeasy. For that, I am forever thankful. Ashley- may today (and the rest of your 27th year) bring you everything you could ever hope and dream for. You’re not perfect, by any means, and you know I will be the first person to tell you that…but you are one hell of a human being. You have one of the biggest hearts of anyone I have ever met, and I am so thankful that yours caught mine. I would not get half of the things done in a day that I need to if it weren’t for you. And I sure as hell would have no idea where I was supposed to be or what I was supposed to be doing. I wouldn’t know my head from my ass if it weren’t for you. Thank you, Ashley- for being you and being with me. I love you. Happy Birthday!

For those of you doing the nutrition challenge, we are approaching the halfway point! Your midpoint InBody check-ins will be held THIS Friday 10/9 until NEXT Friday 10/16. You may go to the Nutrishop in Wall to get your InBody update.

Weekly (Monday-Friday) 7AM class will begin the week of 10/19. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7AM will be a “Next Level” Class. This class is open to anyone with an unlimited membership and is designed for those serious about competing in CrossFit. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WANT TO COMPETE TO DO THIS CLASS. This class will follow MY training program and will be separate of the Speakeasy Workout of the day. This class will not necessarily be “coached”. We would all be working out together, doing the same programming, just based on your own numbers/abilities/etc. This class will run anywhere between 1hr to 1hr and 30min. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 7AM class will be the regular Speakeasy Workout of the Day, led by a coach. 


Today’s Workout


  • Find your 5RM Front Squat


  • 2×5 Tempo Front squats @60% of your 5RM (Tempo=33×3)
  • 33×3 means…3 second hold at the top of your lift, 3 second descent, explode out of the bottom, 3 second hold at the top. 


  • AMRAP10:
    • 800m Run buy-in
      • Then AMRAP:
        • 15 KB Swings (RX= 70/53#) (CRX= 88/70#)
        • 15 Wallballs (20/14#)


10.6.15- Nutrition Challenge info!

By WODNo Comments

For those of you doing the nutrition challenge, we are approaching the halfway point! Your midpoint InBody check-ins will be held THIS Friday 10/9 until NEXT Friday 10/16. You may go to the Nutrishop in Wall to get your InBody update. 

Weekly (Monday-Friday) 7AM class will begin the week of 10/19. More details to come within the next couple days, so please keep checking the blog! 

Today’s Workout


  • Accumulate 100 shoulder touches
  • 3×50′ HS walk
    • Rest 90secs between efforts


  • For Time
    • 1k Row
    • 10 Strict HSPU
    • 20 Power Snatches (135/95#)
    • 30 Burpees
    • 40 Pull ups
    • 30 Burpees
    • 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (135/95#)
    • 10 Strict HSPU
    • 1k Row


10.5.13- Congratulations!!

By WODNo Comments

Not sure where to even begin…but congratulations to all 6 teams who competed at the 3rd Annual Battle of the Boxes at Monmouth CrossFit. We had 4 teams place in the Top 10. That’s crazy. Personally, this was my first competition really being able to represent Speakeasy since I have become a part of this community, and it was the most fun I have had in a very long time. The amount of support that was show for all of our teams was incomparable to anyone else. People chanting “SPEAKEASY”, everyone watching everyone compete and making sure everyone knew when someone was going. It was just awesome. We have something very special here, and anyone and everyone who was at that competition witnessed it. Thank you for that guys, seriously. 

What are your thoughts on adding a 7 or 7:30AM class Monday/Wednesday/Friday during the week? As of now, there will be no daycare for this class. Please comment.


Today’s Workout


  • 5×5 Back Squat @90% of Friday 10/2


  • “Nasty Girls”
    • 3 Rounds for Time of:
      • 50 Squats
      • 7 Muscle Ups
      • 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#)


  • 2min couch stretch each leg
  • 2min pigeon stretch each leg

10.3.15- BOTB Tomorrow!

By WODNo Comments

Battle of the Boxes is TOMORROW at Monmouth CrossFit. Speakeasy has 6 teams registered and it is always a very fun event. The tent will be there, so bring some chairs and come hangout for the day! The gym will be closed.

If you pre-ordered SnapBacks, or any SPEAK EASY GO HARD apparel, they are at the gym. Please only pick up if you PRE ORDERED! If there are any extras, they will be for sale for $25- first come, first serve.

IMPORTANT: We have received several emails and questions about membership changes that were taking place Oct. 1st. This months billing cycle will REMAIN THE SAME. The transfer to Wodify is taking longer than expected due to trying to make it as convenient as possible for you all. No changes will be made to your membership this month. We will notify you when the switch is officially taking place and what the next steps will be. Thank you for your patience.

What are your thoughts on adding a 7 or 7:30AM class Monday/Wednesday/Friday during the week? As of now, there will be no daycare for this class. Please comment.


Today’s Workout

Endurance- 8AM

  • 4x1500m Row

Rest 3min between efforts


WOD- 9 and 10AM

  • 10 Down to 1 for time:
    • Power Snatch (75/55#)
    • Push up
  • 1 Rope Climb after each round

Ex) 10 Power Snatch, 10 Push ups, 1 Rope Climb. 9 Power Snatch, 9 Push ups, 1 Rope Climb, etc. etc.

10.2.15- Nutrition Challenge Day 19!

By WODNo Comments

Battle of the Boxes is THIS Sunday 10/4 at Monmouth CrossFit. Speakeasy has 6 teams registered and it is always a very fun event. The tent will be there, so bring some chairs and come hangout for the day! The gym will be closed.

If you pre-ordered SnapBacks, or any SPEAK EASY GO HARD apparel, they are at the gym. Please only pick up if you PRE ORDERED! If there are any extras, they will be for sale for $25- first come, first serve.

IMPORTANT: We have received several emails and questions about membership changes that were taking place Oct. 1st. This months billing cycle will REMAIN THE SAME. The transfer to Wodify is taking longer than expected due to trying to make it as convenient as possible for you all. No changes will be made to your membership this month. We will notify you when the switch is officially taking place and what the next steps will be. Thank you for your patience.


What are your thoughts on adding a 7 or 7:30AM class Monday/Wednesday/Friday during the week? As of now, there will be no daycare for this class. Please comment. 

Today’s Workout


  • 1×5 Back Squat 5#’s heavier than last Friday 9/25


  • For Time
    • 1k Row
    • 80 Double Unders
    • 60 Wallballs (20/14#)
    • 40 Toes to Bar
    • 20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
    • 10 Muscle Ups

10.1.15- Nutrition Challenge Day 18!

By WODNo Comments

Battle of the Boxes is THIS Sunday 10/4 at Monmouth CrossFit. Speakeasy has 5 teams registered and it is always a very fun event. The tent will be there, so bring some chairs and come hangout for the day! The gym will be closed.

If you pre-ordered SnapBacks, or any SPEAK EASY GO HARD apparel, they are at the gym. Please only pick up if you PRE ORDERED! If there are any extras, they will be for sale for $25- first come, first serve. 

IMPORTANT: We have received several emails and questions about membership changes that were taking place Oct. 1st. This months billing cycle will REMAIN THE SAME. The transfer to Wodify is taking longer than expected due to trying to make it as convenient as possible for you all. No changes will be made to your membership this month. We will notify you when the switch is officially taking place and what the next steps will be. Thank you for your patience.


Today’s Workout


  • 5 Partner Band Sprints 

Rest as needed between efforts 


  • For Time:
    • 21-15-9
      • Power Clean (135/95#)
      • HSPU


  • 3 Rounds
    • :30 L-Sit, :30 Rest

9.30.15- NC Day 17!

By WODNo Comments

Battle of the Boxes is THIS Sunday 10/4 at Monmouth CrossFit. Speakeasy has 5 teams registered and it is always a very fun event. The tent will be there, so bring some chairs and come hangout for the day!

If you pre-ordered SnapBacks, or any SPEAK EASY GO HARD apparel, they are at the gym. Please only pick up if you PRE ORDERED! If there are any extras, they will be for sale for $25- first come, first serve.

IMPORTANT: We have received several emails and questions about membership changes that were taking place Oct. 1st. This months billing cycle will REMAIN THE SAME. The transfer to Wodify is taking longer than expected due to trying to make it as convenient as possible for you all. No changes will be made to your membership this month. We will notify you when the switch is officially taking place and what the next steps will be. Thank you for your patience.


Today’s Workout


  • EMOM8
    • Odd- 4 Strict Pull Ups (weighted if possible)
    • Even- 2 Turkish Get Ups (AHAP


  • AMRAP8
    • 8 KB Snatches R (53/35#)
    • 8 KB Snatches L
    • 8 Burpees

Rest 5 Minutes

  • AMRAP8
    • 8 Cal Row
    • 4 Burpees Over Rower