9am – Barbell Club
Open Gym 10am-12pm
Barbell WOD
Mobility followed by 3 rounds of:
3 Strict Press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
3 Tall Jerks
3 Squat Jerks
Build to a heavy complex of:
3 Push Presses + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
9am – Barbell Club
Open Gym 10am-12pm
Barbell WOD
Mobility followed by 3 rounds of:
3 Strict Press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
3 Tall Jerks
3 Squat Jerks
Build to a heavy complex of:
3 Push Presses + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
702 8th Ave, Belmar, NJ