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11.5.18- Congrats Meg!

By Uncategorized, WODNo Comments

A Congratulations is in order for our very own, Meg Ghaffari, for completing the NYC Marathon! We are so proud of your hard work, dedication to your training program, and obviously beyond proud of you for crossing that finish line!!!

Today’s Workout (CF + CF Lite)


  • 10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press

Between each set, perform 10 Push Ups + :30 Push up plank hold on the final rep


  • AMRAP16:
    • 400m Run
    • 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
    • 15 Abmat Sit Ups

8.14.18- Tuesday

By Uncategorized, WODNo Comments

Today’s Workout


  • EMOM9: 3 Position Power Snatch (building)


  • For Time:
    • 100 Double Unders
    • 75 KB Swings (53/35#)
    • 50 Pistols
    • 25 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
    • 5 Rope Climbs (SX= 25 Ring Rows)

CrossFit LITE

  • 2:30 on, 2:30 off x 4 Rounds
    • 10/7 Cal Assault Bike
      10 DB Cleans
      10 DB Thrusters
      10 DB Step Ups
      w/ remaining time max Strict Pullups

11.6.15- Partner Relay

By UncategorizedNo Comments

CrossFit Speakeasy – CrossFit

Front Squat (EMOM10: 2 Front Squats)

Metcon (Time)

Partner Relay, 6 Rounds EACH For Time:

10 Cal Row

8 Thrusters (115/75#)

2 Rope Climbs
You must alternate every 2 rounds.

8.7.15- Tabata this, Tabata that.

By Uncategorized, WODNo Comments


  • 5:15AM will be EVERY morning effective THIS week.
  • We will be starting another SQUAT strength cycle NEXT week, so be sure you know your numbers. We will be squatting every Friday and Monday. This upcoming Monday, we will be finding our 5RM backsquat. If you know you will not be here, try to find time during our Open Gym slots to get it in.

Today’s Workout


  • Tabata: DB Shoulder Press


  • Tabata
    • Row (cals)
    • Burpees

Rest 5 minutes and then repeat.