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Clean it up 1.11.16

By January 10, 2016July 12th, 2017WOD

“Clean it up”…literally. Yesterday, all of the coaches/interns spent the entire afternoon cleaning the gym. Some things to take note of:

  1. Where things are. Where they are is where they will stay. Boxes, Rowers, Wallballs, Abmats, Jump Ropes, Plates, Bikes, Dumbbells, Kettle bells, Jerk Blocks, Tee shirts….everything. Please do your best to put things back where they belong at the end of your workout. 
  2. The men’s barbells have been completely cleaned. Don’t worry ladies, we will get to yours soon! Chalk has been taken out of the knurling, they have been oiled up and they spin very nice. PLEASE do your best to keep the chalk out of the knurling. If you use excess amount of chalk, please wipe your bar down when you are finished.
  3. The pull-up rig looks brand new. Lets try to keep it that way. Please wipe down the area you used when you are finished.
  4. Chalk. CHALK STAYS IN THE BUCKETS. Please keep your hands IN THE BUCKETS when chalking your hands. Do not take chalk out of the buckets and leave it on the floor, or on the J-cups, or on the boxes. Do not use chalk to mark your rounds on the floor. If you use chalk to do burpees (which I don’t understand), please wipe your hand marks off up the floor when you are finished your workout. 

Lets please do our best to follow these simple instructions. It is so much easier to keep the gym organized when 100+ people are doing it and not just the coaching staff. We appreciate your help in advance! If there is something you are unsure of, or don’t know if you should clean up, just ask us! Thank you.

  • Crew neck sweatshirts are in! If you pre-ordered a sweatshirt, they are available for pick up at the gym. If you did not pre-order, do not fret- we ordered some extras!
  • 2016 Open Prep Nutrition Challenge! Details:
    • When: January 25th- February 23rd (30 day challenge), January 25th- March 9th (45 day challenge)
    • What: Paleo/Modified Paleo Options
    • ONLY ONE Male/Female winner. 
    • Info session Saturday, January 23rd @11AM.

Today’s Workout


  • EMOM10:
    • 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats (Build)


  • 5 Rounds For Time:
    • 40 Double Unders
    • 20 Wall Balls (20#, 10′)(14#, 9′)
    • 10 Hang Power Cleans (115#, 75#)

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