18.4 announcement at CrossFit By the Sea, tonight at 8pm!
5 Rounds For Time
400m Run
9 DB Deadlifts (2×50/2×35#)
6 DB Shoulder to Overhead
3R/3L DB Overhead Lunges (alternating legs every rep)
400m Run
9 DB Deadlifts (2×50/2×35#)
6 DB Shoulder to Overhead
3R/3L DB Overhead Lunges (alternating legs every rep)
Athletes may also choose to use Kettlebells.
KB RX – 2×53, 2×35#
KB RX – 2×53, 2×35#
CrossFit LITE:
24 Minutes:
400m Run
58 Walking Lunges
400m Run
58 Burpees
400m Run
58 V-Ups
400m Run
400m Run
58 Walking Lunges
400m Run
58 Burpees
400m Run
58 V-Ups
400m Run
with remaining time:
Max Pullups
*100m Run any time you drop from the bar