Nutrition Challengers:
Today is day 1 of our 35 day nutrition challenge. First off, good luck! We hope you have set yourself up for success for the next few weeks. Couple things of advice to hopefully help keep you on track:
- Empty refrigerator, cupboards, pantries, etc. of all foods that do not fall under the nutrition challenge guidelines.
- Set goals. Smart, attainable, realistic, timely, goals. Only set 2-3 goals for your 35 days.
- Ask questions and stay involved! Stay active in the Facebook group with recipes, articles, core workouts, questions or concerns. The more involved you remain, the easier it is to sustain!
- Keep saying “no”. The more you say no to going out, ordering in, drinking alcohol, or any other temptations- the easier it becomes.
Don’t forget that weigh-ins, benchmarks, buy ins and pictures all need to be completed by Friday to be eligible for the challenge!
Today’s Workout
- 5×3 Deadlift @ 75% of 1RM
- CrossFit Games Workout 12.1
- Burpees to a 6″ Target
- 10 down to 1
- Strict Pull Up
- Strict DB Press