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11.18.19- Monday

By November 17, 2019WOD

Today’s CrossFit Workout


  • Back Squat 5×5 (5-10lbs heavier than last week!)
    • If unable to perform 5 reps, drop to a 5×4,5×3 etc. etc.
  • Crossover Step Ups 4x5R/5L AHAP


  • 3 Rounds For Time:
    • 21 Deadlifts (185/125#) (CRX 225/155#)
    • 15 Box Jumps (24/20″)
    • 9 Toes to Bar

Today’s SWEAT Workout

  • :45 Work/:15 Rest x5 Rounds
    • – Jumping Lunges
      – Double Unders
      – KB Swings
      – Abmat Sit Ups

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