Starting Monday (5/9), we will be beginning a squat cycle and an Olympic lifting cycle on Monday/Thursday and Fridays. We will be back squatting a 5RM on Mondays, percentage squat work on Thursdays, and building to heavy singles on the Snatch, Clean and Jerk on Fridays. If you are unable to make it to the gym on these days, the only time you will be allowed to make up this work are Sundays during Open Gym. We do not suggest making up any squat work on Sundays if you are planning on attending classes on Monday.
Barbell Club on Sundays will be supplemental to the heavy singles you will be doing on Fridays.
With that being said- Monday, you will be finding a new 1RM for this squat cycle. If you are unable to attend classes on Monday, please come to Open Gym today (5/1) to find your 1RM.
- Rowing Intervals:
- 2:00 at Hard intensity, 2:00 Rest
- 3:00 at Hard intensity, 3:00 Rest
- 4:00 at Hard intensity, 3:00 Rest
- 3:00 at Max effort, 2:00 Rest
- 2:00 at Max effort, 1:00 Rest
- 1:00 at Max effort
Barbell Club
- Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Muscle Snatch
- Build to moderate load of the complex
- Power Snatch
- Build to 3 quick heavy singles (not touch and go)
- Back Squat
- Build to heavy single
Open Gym 10-12PM