Happy 40th (yes, can you believe it!?!) Birthday to one of our favorite gals, Randi Kest. May this year bring you everything you deserve.
Today’s Workout
- In teams of 6, complete a 10 min AMRAP of alternating 50′ sled pushes for TOTAL DISTANCE.
- RX= Two 45# Plates for Males and CRX Females
- RX= Two 25# Plates for Females
- Rest 5 Minutes
- Divide your team of 6 in to TWO Three person teams and complete 4 Rounds EACH:
- 300m Run
- 10 Toes to bar
Partner 1= 1 Round
Partner 2= Max Abmat Situps
Partner 3= Rest
**ORDER** Partner 1 goes to Rest, Partner 3 goes to abmat sit ups, Partner 2 does 1 Round. Each teammate MUST COMPLETE 4 rounds of a 300m run and 10 toes to bar.