Bent Over Row/ Banded Tricep pressAlternating max effort sets of each movement starting with your bent over rows. Rest 2 minutes between sets, 3 sets each.
**Bent over rows are with a prone grip on a barbell at a weight that allows for max effort sets in the range of 12-20 reps
** Banded tricep press downs are done with a band attached to the rig, with a resistance that allows for sets within the 15-25 rep range
- 6RFT:
15/10 cal ABSOLUTE SPRINT on rower
3 HEAVY deadlifts (75-85% of 1RM)
Rest :60 between rounds
- 2 RFT:50 Cal Row
50 Alt DB Snatch
50′ OH Walking Lunge (L)
50′ OH Walking Lunge (R)
- Afterparty
Accumulate :90 L Hang