Today is the last day to do your Nutrishop InBody Check-ins and bring in your $40 buy-ins.
Welcome to Day 1 of the Nutrition Challenge. The next 45 days, we challenge you to dedicate yourself to a healthy lifestyle consisting of proper nutrition, hydration, sleep and exercise. Here are some guidelines and tips to help you succeed throughout these 45 days. Remember, it’s not the destination, but the journey that defines us.
- Write goals. These could be:
- Losing a certain amount of weight by the midway point
- Shaving a certain amount of time off of your benchmark workout
- Being in bed by 10PM every week night
Share these goals with someone you trust. It will hold you accountable. Try to be as specific as possible, it leaves little room for error. Revisit these goals when your finding yourself slacking or unmotivated to continue.
- Make time.
- For shopping
- For cooking
- For preparing
- For working out
- For eating
If you aren’t able to make a decent meal, and have fun cooking, of course this challenge is going to suck. Get creative with your abilities, and create new abilities in the kitchen. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. As simple as that. At the end of the day, YOU come first- that is what this challenge is about. Make time for you and your goals.
- Prepare.
If you can make time to shop and cook, make time to prepare for the week. Make more food than you think you are going to need.
- Don’t make excuses.
No one likes to hear them. Birthday parties, weddings, nights out, stressed, etc. There is always another option, you just have to have the discipline and will power to stay focused and on track. Once you are off the track it is much harder to get back on. Try to avoid putting yourself in situations where you are going to have to make a choice. But if you are put in that situation, make the right choice. It’s 45 days of your life. You can have the beer, the cake, the sugar, any other day afterwards. If you make the right choice once, it makes it much easier to continue doing it- and I guarantee you will feel much better about yourself.
- Research and ask questions.
We are all in this together. And though there will only be 4 winners overall, we want to see everyone succeed. Ask questions, give advice, share recipes, encourage one another. It’s much easier when you have the support of all your friends and family.
Here is how we will be scoring this challenge:
- 1 point for sleeping 7+ hours
- naps do count towards this time
- 1 point for drinking 1/2 BW in oz of water
- supplements DO NOT COUNT- it MUST be water only. Lemon/fruit water is allowed.
- 1 point for working out
- You do not need to come to the gym for this to count. If you do an hour of exercise outside of the gym that will count. But it must be an hour
- 1 point for nutrition
- STRICT paleo or the Modified paleo option. You must choose one option and stay with it the entire 45 days. Every evening when you post your points, please write “Paleo” or “Mod”.
Total number of points per day= 4 points
Daily points will be posted every evening around 8PM. If you miss posting 3+ times throughout the 45 days, you are automatically disqualified.
Good luck guys! If you have any questions, ask them in the Facebook group, HERE.
Today’s Workout- Please note schedule changes effective TODAY.
- 5×5 Back Squat at 90% of Friday 9/11
Conditioning: Nutrition Challenge Benchmark
- For Time:
- 3k Row
*Do not dog this. The coaches will be sure that you guys are all giving it 100%.
- 400m walk/jog
- 2min couch stretch each leg
- 2min pigeon stretch each leg