Best of luck to our athletes competing today!
Kat Sharp at the Winter Wipeout. Alisa Martinez and Matt Mielke at the 1st Annual BarFightz!
Metcon (Time)
In Teams of 2, complete:
100 Cal Row/Ski
100 Pistols
100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
100 HSPU
100 Cal Assault Bike
100 Pistols
100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
100 HSPU
100 Cal Assault Bike
Partner up! Split the work however you deem fit.
4 Rounds (use first round as warmup)
10R/10L DB Bench
10 Tricep Pullovers
10R/10L Hammer Curls
10 Weighted Situps w/ Feet Anchored
10R/10L DB Bench
10 Tricep Pullovers
10R/10L Hammer Curls
10 Weighted Situps w/ Feet Anchored
3 Rounds
50m Farmers Carry (AHAP)
Immediately into:
50m Sled Push (AHAP, without compromising speed)
-Rest 1:30 between rounds
CrossFit LITE:
10 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 HR Pushups
10 V-Ups