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Tuesday 7.3.18

By July 2, 2018WOD

CrossFit Classes:

Front Squat (EMOM10 – 2 Front Squats)
You and your partner will have 2:00 to complete:
10 synchronized lateral burpees over the bar
4-3-2-1 Squat Cleans
Max Bar MU in remaining time

1:00 rest between rounds

Round 1: 4 Squat Cleans (155/105)
Round 2: 3 Squat cleans (185/135#)
Round 3: 2 Squat cleans (225/155#)
Round 4: 1 Squat Clean (255/185#)

CrossFit LITE:
3 Rounds
750m Row
50 Situps
25 Thrusters

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