CrossFit Classes:
- Weightlifting:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat (EMOM7 – Build)
Use this as a primer for the metcon. Build to moderate+ weight – no misses.
- Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3:00 Work / 3:00 Rest x 3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
7 Power Snatches
7 Overhead Squats
Max Cal Row w/ remaining time
100 Double Unders
7 Power Snatches
7 Overhead Squats
Max Cal Row w/ remaining time
RX – 95/65#
CRX – 135/95#
Score = Total Reps EACH Round.
CRX – 135/95#
Score = Total Reps EACH Round.
CrossFit LITE Classes:
Cal Row
V-Ups + Arch Rocks
Cal Row
V-Ups + Arch Rocks