New Years Eve- NO 6:30 or 7:30pm Class
New Years Day- 8 and 9:30am HERO WOD, Open Gym 11-12:30 and 3-4:3opm
1/2/2020- Resume regular schedule
Today’s Workout
- 5×3 Overhead Squat
- 21-15-9-6 Partner Relay
- Power Snatch
- Overhead Squat
Rd 1: 75/55#
Rd 2: 95/65#
Rd 3: 115/75#
Rd 4: 135/95#
Alternate FULL rounds with partner. Partner 1 Completes 21 PS + 21 OHS, then partner 2 completes 21 PS + 21 OHS while partner 1 rests.
Scaled: Power Clean + Front Squat.
Today’s SWEAT Workout
- 25:00, for QUALITY
- 5R/5L Single Leg Deadlifts
10 Dual DB Arnold Press
5R/5L Front Rack Step Ups
10 Dual DB Bent Rows
:20 Hollow Hold + :20 Arch Hold
- 5R/5L Single Leg Deadlifts