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4.7.18- Partner Saturday

By April 6, 2018WOD

*Resuming normal schedule. 8,9,10am CROSSFIT + CROSSFIT LITE

Today’s CrossFit + CrossFit LITE Workout

“TAG” 2 Rounds For Time (Rest included):

  • P1: 200m Sprint
    P2: 15 Toes to Bar (20 Hanging knee raises)
    1:00 Rest , then Switch
  • P1: 200m Sprint
    P2: 20 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35#)
    1:00 Rest, then Switch
  • P1: 200m Sprint
    P2: 10R/10L DB Hang Clean + Jerk

Rest 5:00 Total and REPEAT

The objective of this workout is to finish the 200m Sprint BEFORE your partner finishes the required work inside. If you “catch” your partner while they are still working, during your 1:00 rest period that partner must complete 7 burpees. The 1:00 Rest period begins when the runner returns. You must “tag” your partner to stop them from working.

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