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7.22.19- Monday

By July 22, 2019WOD

Today’s CrossFit Workout


  • 12:00 to build to a 3RM Front Squat


  • 3x :40 Max Effort 1 +1/4 Front Squats
    • Rest 1:20 between Rounds
    • Use 70-75% of 3RM


  • 2:00 on/2:00 off x4
    • 5 Power Cleans (165/110#)
    • 10 Box Jump Overs
    • Max Calorie Assault Bike in remaining time

CRX: Touch n Go Reps + 30/24″ box

Today’s SWEAT Workout

  • 4 Rounds
    • 1,000m Bike
      10 Barbell Deadlifts
      5R/5L Renegade Rows (w/ pushup)
      :20 Hollow Hold + 10 Rocks

Added Perspiration:
2×50, 2×35#

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