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7.24.19- Power is Back!

By July 23, 2019WOD

The power has been restored at the gym, we will resume a regular schedule!

Today’s CrossFit Workout


  • EMOM10
    • Odd: 5 Strict HSPU
      Even: 15 sec L-Hang


  • 2 Rounds For Time:
    • 50 Burpees
      25′ HS Walk
      50 KB Hang Power Snatches (53/35#)
      25′ HS Walk

Today’s SWEAT Workout

  • 1 Round Every 6 Minutes x 5:
    • 500m Run
      100′ SB Carry
      5 Sandbag Over Shoulder (AHAP)

Sweatier: 100/75#

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