CrossFit Classes:
Odd – 3 TnG Deadlifts
Even – Max Ring Pushups
Odd – 3 TnG Deadlifts
Even – Max Ring Pushups
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
200m Run
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20′)
200m Run
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20′)
BBJO are Open Standard.
Reps begin at 3 and increase by 3 every round.
Score = Total Reps, Run counts as 1 Rep.
Reps begin at 3 and increase by 3 every round.
Score = Total Reps, Run counts as 1 Rep.
LITE Classes:
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
5R/5L Renegade Rows
200m Run
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
5R/5L Renegade Rows
Rest :90 between rounds
CrossFit Classes:
4 Rounds (for Quality)
8R/8L 1/2 Kneel Bottoms Up Press
8 Ring Rows w/ Feet Elevated
8R/8L 1-Leg RDL
:40 Arch (Odd), Hollow (Even)
8R/8L 1/2 Kneel Bottoms Up Press
8 Ring Rows w/ Feet Elevated
8R/8L 1-Leg RDL
:40 Arch (Odd), Hollow (Even)
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
10 Chest To Bar Pullups
50 Double Unders
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
10 Chest To Bar Pullups
50 Double Unders
Rest 1:00 between rounds
Score = Total Time, including rest.
Score = Total Time, including rest.
LITE Classes:
4 Rounds
:40 Assault Bike (Moderate)
8R/8L 1/2 Kneel OH Press
8 Ring Rows w/ Feet Elevated
8R/8L 1-Leg RDL
:40 Arch(Odd), Hollow(Even
:40 Assault Bike (Moderate)
8R/8L 1/2 Kneel OH Press
8 Ring Rows w/ Feet Elevated
8R/8L 1-Leg RDL
:40 Arch(Odd), Hollow(Even
CrossFit Classes:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups
Bodyweight Bench Press
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups
Females – 65% BW
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
1 Round every 3 Minutes x 5:
15 KB Swings (70/53#)
15 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Max Unbroken Pushups
15 KB Swings (70/53#)
15 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Max Unbroken Pushups
Score = Total Reps
LITE Classes:
Friday Rowling!
10 Frames
250m Row Sprint
10 Frames
250m Row Sprint
*Perform penalty Burpees prior to beginning next round.
CrossFit Classes:
3 Position Clean (Build to a max for the day)
High Hang + Above the Knee + Floor
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 x 1000m Row or Ski
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
LITE Classes:
10R/10L SeeSaw Press
20 Toe Taps
:30 Wall Sit
10R/10L SeeSaw Press
20 Toe Taps
:30 Wall Sit
Rest 2 Minutes
10R/10L Renegade Rows (no pushup)
20 Situps
:30 Arch Hold
CrossFit Classes:
Metcon (Time)
80 Double Unders
40 Kettlebell Snatches (53/35#)
20 KB Overhead Lunges (Right Arm, alternate legs)
100’ Sandbag Carry (150#/100#)
20 KB Overhead Lunges (Left Arm, alternate legs)
40 Kettlebell Snatches
80 Double Unders
40 Kettlebell Snatches (53/35#)
20 KB Overhead Lunges (Right Arm, alternate legs)
100’ Sandbag Carry (150#/100#)
20 KB Overhead Lunges (Left Arm, alternate legs)
40 Kettlebell Snatches
80 Double Unders
After Party:
3 Rounds
1:00 Ring Plank
:30R/L Twisted Cross
1:00 Arch Hold
:30R/L Couch Stretch
1:00 Ring Plank
:30R/L Twisted Cross
1:00 Arch Hold
:30R/L Couch Stretch
LITE Classes:
1:00 Plank
80 Double Unders
60 BW Lunges
40 Pushups
200’ Bear Crawl
40 Pushups
60 BW Lunges
80 Double Unders
1:00 Plank
80 Double Unders
60 BW Lunges
40 Pushups
200’ Bear Crawl
40 Pushups
60 BW Lunges
80 Double Unders
1:00 Plank
CrossFit Classes:
4 Rounds (not for time)
6-8 Barbell Z-Press
6-8 DB Prone Row @31X1
6-8 Barbell Z-Press
6-8 DB Prone Row @31X1
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
5 Deadlifts (185/125#)
3 Muscle Ups
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
5 Deadlifts (185/125#)
3 Muscle Ups
Odd Rounds – Bar
Even Rounds – Ring
Odd Rounds – 5 Pullups
Even Rounds – 5 Dips
Even Rounds – Ring
Odd Rounds – 5 Pullups
Even Rounds – 5 Dips
LITE Classes:
10 Rounds
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
10 KB Swings
5 Ring Dips
10/7 Cal Assault Bike
10 KB Swings
5 Ring Dips
2×50# / 2×35#