Today’s Workout
- 5 Rounds
- 50 Double Unders
10 Front Rack Lunges (115/75#)
10 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Burpees Over Bar
– Rest 1:30 between rounds or perform relay style with a partner.
- 50 Double Unders
SWEAT Workout
- 40-30-20-10
Cal Row/Ski
Wall Balls
*20 Bicycles after each round10-20-30-40
Jumping Lunges
*20 MB Russian Twist after each round
There will be no 7am or 9am class today as we get together to celebrate the success of Linda’s treatments.
Today’s Workout
35:00 Clock, teams of 3:
- 100 Calorie Assault Bike
- 10 synchronized squats every switch
- 100 Bench Press (135/95#)
- 10 synchronized burpees every switch
- 100 Dual DB Step Ups (2×50/2×35#)
- 10 synchronized V-U
Max cal Row/Ski in remaining time
Today’s CrossFit Workout
- 10 Rounds, Rest 1:00 between rounds
- 30 Double Unders
6 Front Rack Lunges
3 Push Press (Building)
- 30 Double Unders
SWEAT Workout
- Running Intervals:
- 2 x 400, Rest 1:00
4 x 300, Rest :45
6 x 200, Rest :30
- 2 x 400, Rest 1:00
- Following final rest period begin 3 rounds:
- 8R/8L Overhead Lunges
16 Goblet Squats
24 Abmat Sit ups
16 Plank Passes
8R/8L Push up w/Row
- 8R/8L Overhead Lunges