We have several athletes participating at the Battle of the Bae’s competition at Power Pack CrossFit this Saturday, April 23rd. If you are around, please come out and support!
With that being said, Next Level class will be moved to Sunday at 3:30PM THIS WEEKEND ONLY. Next weekend, it will be moved back to 11AM every Saturday (unless otherwise noted).
Today’s Workout
For Time:
Max Effort 2k Row (scored separately from remainder of the workout)
100 Burpees
50 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#)
25 Thrusters (95/65#)
10 Bar Muscle Ups (CRX)
* Score= 2k time and then 2k time + TOTAL Time
Next Level
- 6×20 Calorie Assault Bike Sprints
- :30 Rest