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3.29.18 And the winners are…

By March 28, 2018January 30th, 2020WOD

Alisa and Danny Collins!

This challenge was very close and extremely difficult to choose the final winners. Congrats to everyone that stuck with it the entire 6 weeks. Remember, this is a lifestyle change… not a 6 week challenge then back to our old habits.

Some honorable mentions: Katelyn Kuzma, Vincent Petruzziello, Lisa Sabatino, Courtney Decker, and Kelli Cimino.


1st – 40 Double Unders
2nd – 20 Hollow Body Rocks
3rd – 10m Handstand Walk
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
2 Minutes ON, 2 Minutes OFF x 4 Rounds:
15 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Max Cal Row with remaining time

Score = Total reps EACH round, scored individually.
CrossFit LITE:
2 Minutes ON, 2 Minutes OFF x 4 Rounds
20 Pushups
15 Wall Balls
Max Cal Row w/ remaining time


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