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Coach Blake

Thursday 7.12.18

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CrossFit Classes:

Overhead Squat (3RM )
20 Minutes:
Find a heavy triple for the day, then:
2×3 @ 90%.
Metcon (Time)
Power Snatches (75/55#)
Overhead Squats
Ring Dips
CrossFit LITE Classes:
1 – Push Presses
2 – Jumping Lunges
3 – Ring Rows
4 – Burpees
5 – V-Ups

Wednesday 7.11.18

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CrossFit Classes:

In 35 Minutes:
50 Wall Balls (20/14#)
40 Burpees
30 Front Rack Lunges (135/95#)
200′ Farmer Carry (2×70/2×53#)
10 Rope Climbs (15′)
200′ Farmer Carry
30 Front Rack Lunges
40 Burpees
50 Wall Balls
with remaining time:
Find a 2RM Hang Clean
CrossFit LITE Classes:
25 Minutes:
10R/10L DB Bench Press
200′ Farmer Carry
10R/10L DB 1-Arm Rows
:20 Arch Hold
10 Strict L-Raises

Focus is on quality. Challenge yourself on weights. Feel free to increase load throughout the rounds as long as quality is maintained.

Tuesday 7.10.18

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CrossFit Classes:

1st – 5 TnG Deadlifts
2nd – 5 Strict HSPU (deficit if possible)
3rd – :20 L-Hang
Helen (Time)
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
CrossFit LITE Classes:
4 Rounds
400m Run
30 Air Squats
20 KB Swings
10 Strict Pullups or Ring Rows

Monday 7.9.18

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Back Squat (EMOM8 – 3 Reps)
Begin at 65% of your 1RM and build to a heavy triple, not a max.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In 20 Minutes:
2k Row or Ski

Double Unders
AbMat Situps
w/ remaining time:
Max-Reps ManMakers (50/35#)

Score = Total Reps (Do not count row towards reps. Post row time to comments.)

Partner Saturday!

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
From :01 – 10:00
Run 1 Mile
w/ remaining time:
Max Clean and Jerks (185/125#)

From 10:01 – 20:00
Run 1 Mile
w/ remaining time:
Max Power Snatches (135/95#)

From 20:01 – 30:00
Run 1 Mile
w/ remaining time:
Max Burpee Muscle Ups

Both partners run the mile together. One partner works at a time on barbell and rings.
Score = Total Reps

CrossFit Lite:
Round 1 – 1 Mile Run + Max Dual DB Push Presses
Round 2 – 1 Mile Run + Max Kettlebell Swings
Round 3 – 1 Mile Run + Max Burpee Pullups

Friday 7.6.18

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1 Paused Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (EMOM8)
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
21 Cal Row or Ski
15 Chest To Bar Pullups
9 Overhead Squats (155/105#)
After Party:
2 Rounds
:30R/:30L Couch Stretch
:30 Hollow Hold
:30R/:30L Twisted Cross
:30 Arch
CrossFit LITE:
Cal Row or Ski
Wall Balls
DB Snatches (alternating)
Weighted Plank (seconds)

Thursday 7.5.18

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CrossFit Classes:

Belmar Beatdown Floater WOD
In :90:
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
100’ Sandbag Front Rack Carry 100/75#
Max Sandbag Over Shoulder in remaining time.
Belmar Beatdown Workout #3
‘Legs and Lungs’
With a partner you have 9 minutes to complete:
400 Double Unders
200 Wallballs (20/14#)
Max Synchro Toes to Bar in remaining time*one person working at each station. You may switch as often as you’d like. If one station is completed before the other, only one person may remain working at that station.

CrossFit LITE Classes:
4 Rounds
8R/8L DB Bench Press
8R/8L Bulgarian Split Squats
Max Supinated Ring Rows
:30 Hollow Hold
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In :90:
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
100’ Sandbag Front Rack Carry
Max Sandbag Over Shoulder in remaining time

Happy Independence Day!

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Today’s Schedule, July 4th 2018:

CrossFit and CrossFit LITE classes:

7am, 8:30am, 10am

Open Gym 11:30am – 1pm

Today’s Workout:

Partner ‘McGhee’

Worker, AMRAP:
5 Deadlifts (275/185#)
13 Pushups
9 Box Jumps (24/20″)

400m Run

Partner A will run 400m while Partner B completes as many rounds as possible of the above. When Partner A returns from the run, they will pick up where B left off.
Score = Total Rounds + Reps.


Tuesday 7.3.18

By WODNo Comments

CrossFit Classes:

Front Squat (EMOM10 – 2 Front Squats)
You and your partner will have 2:00 to complete:
10 synchronized lateral burpees over the bar
4-3-2-1 Squat Cleans
Max Bar MU in remaining time

1:00 rest between rounds

Round 1: 4 Squat Cleans (155/105)
Round 2: 3 Squat cleans (185/135#)
Round 3: 2 Squat cleans (225/155#)
Round 4: 1 Squat Clean (255/185#)

CrossFit LITE:
3 Rounds
750m Row
50 Situps
25 Thrusters

Monday 7.2.18

By WODNo Comments

CrossFit Classes:

1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS (EMOM6)
Build to a moderate weight to prep for 1RM
Metcon (Time)
With an 8 Minute Cap:

4 Rounds EACH for time:
12 DB Deadlifts
9 DB Hang Power Cleans
6 DB Shoulder to OH


One partner completes one round while other partner farmers holds their DBs. If the DBs drop, partner working must stop. Work until you both have completed 4 rounds each. 8:00 CAP.
Snatch (From 8:00-12:00, find a 1RM)


CrossFit LITE:

10 Rounds
30 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees