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Coach Blake

Monday 5.14.18

By WODNo Comments

CrossFit Classes:

Back Squat (10-8-6-4-2 )
Start at 70-75% and build.
:30 Hollow Hold after every set.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
18 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
18 Overhead Squats (75/55#)
Max Calorie Rowrest 3 minutesAMRAP 3:
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
15 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
Max Calorie Row

rest 3 minutes

12 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
12 Overhead Squats (115/80#)
Max Calorie Row

rest 3 minutes

9 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
9 Overhead Squats (135/95#)
Max Calorie Row

Score = Total Cals

Saturday 5.12.18

By WODNo Comments

1st – 1 Round of ‘Cindy’
2nd – 40 Double Unders
3rd – 1 Round of ‘Nate’
4th – 100m Run

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

2 Muscle Ups
8 KB Swings (70/53#)

Friday 5.11.18

By WODNo Comments

CrossFit Classes:

1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (EMOM7 – Build)
Build to a max for the complex.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
2 Minutes On, 2 Minutes Off x 4
20/15 Cal Assault Bike
Clean and Jerks
Max Toes To Bar in remaining time.


CrossFit LITE Classes:

1st – :15 Assault Bike SPRINT
2nd – 20 Russian KB Swings
3rd – 15 Hanging Knee Raises
4th – 20 Lunging Wall Balls
5th – Rest

Thursday 5.10.18

By WODNo Comments
CrossFit Classes:
4 Rounds For QUALITY
8R/8L Single Leg RDL
8R/8L DB Bench Press
8R/8L RNT Split Squat
Max Ring Rows
25 Hollow Rocks

Strict Tempo @3111 on all movements with the exception of Hollow Rocks.
In teams of 3 or 5:
Choose a sled weight and accumulate as much distance as possible in 5 Minutes.
CrossFit LITE Classes:
4 Rounds For QUALITY
8R/8L Single Leg RDL
8R/8L DB Bench Press
8R/8L RNT Split Squat
Max Ring Rows
25 Hollow Rocks

Strict Tempo @3111 on all movements with the exception of Hollow Rocks.

Wednesday 5.9.18

By WODNo Comments
CrossFit Classes:
Triple 3’s (For Time)
3k Row
300 Double Unders
3 Mile Run
CrossFit LITE Classes:
1500m Row
150 Double Unders (300 Singles)
1.5 Mile Run
150 Situps

Tuesday 5.8.18

By WODNo Comments

CrossFit Classes

Seated Box Jumps
Strict HSPU

Increase load, height, and deficit as the reps decrease – if possible.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
1-Arm DB Hang Cluster (50/35#)
Burpees Over DB

Ascending Ladder: 2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, etc.
2 = 1R/1L, 2 Burpees
4 = 2R/2L, 4 Burpees
CrossFit LITE Classes:
50 Burpees
40 V-Ups
30 Box Jumps
200m Farmer Carry
30 Box Jumps
40 V-Ups
50 Burpees

Monday 5.7.18

By WODNo Comments
CrossFit Classes:
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS (Every :90 x 7 – Build)
:02 pause at the bottom of OHS
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
400m Run
15 Chest to Bar Pullups
15 Power Snatches (95/65#)
CrossFit LITE Classes:
In 4 Minutes:
Run 500m
Max KB Swings in remaining time

rest 1 minute

In 4 Minutes:
Row 500m
Max Thrusters in remaining time

rest 2 minutes and repeat

Partner Saturday!

By WODNo Comments

With one partner working at a time, split up the following Chipper:

10x100m Run
100 Pushups
10 Rope Climbs
100 Swings  (53/35#)
10 Rope Climbs
100 V-Ups
10x100m Run

CRX – Wear a weighted vest

Friday 5.4.18

By WODNo Comments

CrossFit Classes:

Superset the following 2 lifts focusing on quality.
Front Squat (4×3 @32X1 )
Arnold Press (4×6 @3111 )
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
In 3 Minutes
15/12 Cal Assault Bike, then AMRAP:
5 Burpees Over Bar
5 Thrusters (115/80#)
Rest :90 between rounds
Assault Bike Cals count towards your score.
CrossFit LITE Classes:
5 Rounds
10 Bench Presses
20 Jumping Lunges
10 Ring Rows or Strict Pullups
20 Situps
1:00 Plank (any variation)